Peter Au
If you don't already recognize the name Peter Au, you are missing out. Peter is a real force in this town. Both supporting of arts in multiple forms and showcasing many of the town's cultural aspects.
He was instrumental in the formation of REAL in 1989. REAL is responsible for maintaining the presence of Evergreen Avenue which honours residents who have made substantial community contributions. Other organizations Peter volunteers his time to are, the Rideau Roundtable and Trinity United Church, where he is also a member of the choir and other groups within the church structure.
The Rideau Roundtable is an incorporated, not-for-profit, association of individuals, community organizations and government agencies that focuses on the environment, the history and the cultural significance of the Rideau River, the Rideau Canal Waterway, the Cataraqui River and their respective watersheds. The focus of their programs include heritage tourism, cultural and natural landscape conservation, new options for Waterway governance, outdoor education, recreation and much more.
As if that wasn't enough Peter is also a member of the Chinese Community Association and the Local Immigration Partnership and "lastly" he is co-chair of Paddlefest, an annual cultural event celebrating the Rideau, with live music, activities, food and door prizes.
Peter's tireless promotion of the town and involvement in multiple organizations that showcase local arts & culture, including providing opportunities for youth involvement make him the perfect choice for this year's Joyce Brennan Award.